

The specific area of research represents investigation of regulation of oxidant-induced changes of aerobic organisms and we develop three various areas of investigation: 1) biomonitoring of aquatic organisms, 2) toxicology and 3) biomarkers and pathophysiological states.

1) Biomonitoring of aquatic organisms. Molecular and physiological biomonitoring based on the antioxidant defense enzyme activities as biochemical biomarkers: superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, glutathione-S-transferase and the concentrations of vitamin E, vitamin C, glutathione.

2) Toxicology. Prooxidative effects of cadmium and cisplatin in acute and chronic treatment and protective role of antioxidants on alteration of oxidative stress biochemical biomarkers in the blood and tissues of mail Wistar albino rats will be investigated.

3) Biomarkers and pathophysiological states. The study of estradiol and its role inpreeclampsia, the assessment of oxidative damage and antioxidative capacity of healthy tissues in response to therapeutic doses of radiation in the treatment of breast cancer and the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal disorders will be investigated.

The specific area of research represents investigation of regulation of oxidant-induced changes of aerobic organisms and we develop three various areas of investigation: 1) biomonitoring of aquatic organisms, 2) toxicology and 3) biomarkers and pathophysiological states.

1) Biomonitoring of aquatic organisms. Molecular and physiological biomonitoring based on the antioxidant defense enzyme activities as biochemical biomarkers: superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, glutathione-S-transferase and the concentrations of vitamin E, vitamin C, glutathione.

2) Toxicology. Prooxidative effects of cadmium and cisplatin in acute and chronic treatment and protective role of antioxidants on alteration of oxidative stress biochemical biomarkers in the blood and tissues of mail Wistar albino rats will be investigated.

3) Biomarkers and pathophysiological states. The study of estradiol and its role inpreeclampsia, the assessment of oxidative damage and antioxidative capacity of healthy tissues in response to therapeutic doses of radiation in the treatment of breast cancer and the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal disorders will be investigated.

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