
Every second year the Societas Europaea Herpetologica (SEH) organizes SEH European Congress of Herpetology in one of European countries and together with Local Organising Committee. This year it will be held in Belgrade.

SEH 21st European Congress of Herpetology that will take place in Belgrade, Serbia, from 5th to 9th September, 2022.

Dr. Đorđe Miljković, Department of immunology has been awarded with novel EFIS (The European Federation of Immunological Societies) Eastern Star Award.

The award is given during the 6th European Congress of Imunology ECI2021, which is organized by using online congress system and infrastructure based in Turkey.

Foreign Agricultural Serviceof United States Department of Agriculture (FAS USDA) organized two-day virtual regional workshop on Inovative Biotechnologies and Regulatory Approaches, with over 300 participants from US, Italy, Greece, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Hertzegovina, and Macedonia.

The third Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference - BelBI2021, will be organized as a virtual event, from 21st to 25th June, 2021.

BelBI2021 is an international event, organized by the several research institutions, faculties and scientific societies from Serbia. This event covers a wide range of various topics in bioinformatics, including Big data analytics, Machine learning in biological data analysis, Biological networks, Data mining methods and their applications in biology and medicine, Bio- Ontologies, etc.

More information about the conference:


The Global Young Academy,Women in Science Working Group have published a book Motherhood in Science – How children change our academic careers. This publication sheds light on the challenges of motherhood in the science sphere and academia, ranging from biased working environments and cultural and traditional expectations, to underdeveloped or missing support systems and feelings of self-guilt in a working parent.

The Ivan Đaja Award for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of Physiology, carried out at institutes and universities in Serbia, and defended during 2019/2020 was presented to Dr. Marija Jakovljević, from the Department of Neurobiology at IBISS, for his thesis entitled "The role of purinergic signaling in neuroinflammation and demyelination – implications for multiple sclerosis". The PhD thesis was performed at the Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" - National Institute of Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade, under the supervision of Dr. Irena Lavrnja and Dr. Danijela Laketa.



6th European Congress of Immunology ECI2021 is scheduled for September 1st-4th 2021. Venue of the congress is Sava Center, Belgrade. The scientific program of the congress will be available soon.

The publishing house Elsevier has issued the first edition of the book Biodiversity and Biomedicine: Our Future, edited by Prof. Munir Ozturk, Dr. Dilfuza Egamberdieva, and Dr. Milica Pešić. Biodiversity and Biomedicine: Our Future provides a new outlook on Earth’s animal, plant, and fungi species as vital sources for human health treatments. Written by leading biodiversity and biomedical experts, the book discusses the human health benefits of biologically active compounds from natural resources, and how the threatened presence of these species must be reversed to conserve biodiversity.

Due to the current status of the pandemic and the uncertainty of when it will be over, and of course, how long it will take to have efficient drugs and vaccine for COVID-19, organizers of ELMINA2020 have decided to postpone the conference for 2021.

Safty first!

Researchers from the Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" - National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade are involved in operations of  laboratories of the Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Sera "Torlak", the newly established "Huo-Yan National Laboratory for Molecular Detection of Infectious Agents Belgrade" in the Clinical Center, the National Reference Laboratory in Batajnica, and the Department of Biocides and Medical Ecology in COVID-19 research, together with researchers from the University of Belgrade: the Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, Faculty of Biology, the Institute for Medical Research - National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Science - National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade, the School of Medicine, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and the Institute for Applied Nuclear Energy.

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