
First Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia with international participation - CoMBoS will be held on 20 – 22 September 2017 at the Ilija M. Kolarac Endowment Building in Belgrade (Student’s Square 5).

The congress is organised by the Serbian Society of Molecular Biology, the Faculty of Biology in Belgrade, the Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković", the Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, the Faculty of Sciences in Novi Sad and the Faculty of Medicine in Novi Sad.

For more inforamation visit the web page of the congress.

The Serbian Neuroscience Society has forwarded the secound announcement for the 7th Congress that will take place in the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, in Belgrade from 25th to 27th October, 2017.

Organized by the Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology, The First Training School of COST akcije CM1407 In vitro evaluation of compounds with anticancer potential was held at our Institute.

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