Predavač: Prof. dr Tatjana Kundaković-Vasović, redovni profesor na Katedri za farmakognoziju Farmaceutskog fakulteta Univerziteta u BeograduVreme: sreda, 25. septembar 2024. u 12.00Mesto: Biblioteka IBISS
Prestižna nagrada za mlade naučnike (YSA), koju dodeljuje Evropska federacija parazitologa (EFP), dodeljena je dr Milanu Miljeviću sa Odeljenja za genetička istraživanja na 14. Evropskom multikoluquijumu parazitologije (EMOP XIV), održanom u Wrocławu, Poljska, od 26. do 30. avgusta 2024. godine.
U ponedeljak, 26. avgusta 2024. godine, delegaciija iz ANSO kompanije zajedno sa prof. Je Jangom iz Šangajskog Institutu Materia Medica (SIMM) posetili su Institut.
U okviru poziva "EU za zelenu agendu u Srbiji" - Izazov za inovativna rešenja za zelenu tranziciju srpske privrede, Delegacija Evropske unije u Srbiji će finansirati projekat na kome je Institut za biološka istraživanja „Siniša Stanković" nosilac projekta.
Dr Pavle Erić sa Odeljenja za genetiku populacija i ekogenotoksikologiju dobio je nagradu časopisa Insects “Insects 2022 Best Paper Award”. Rad Temperature-Specific and Sex-Specific Fitness Effects of Sympatric Mitochondrial and Mito-Nuclear Variation in Drosophila obscura koji je objavio sa koautorima…
Tradicionalno, 10. juna, 2024. godine, u Botaničkoj bašti „Jevremovac“, održana je je svečana proslava povodom Nacionalnog dana nauke, koji je ujedno i dan rođenja Nikole Tesle.
"Uticaj socijalne izolacije na emocionalne reakcije, psihomotornu aktivnost i antioksidativni status perifernih organa peripubertetskih pacova"četvrtak, 11. jul 2024. godine u 12:00Biblioteka IBISS
Tokom prethodnih dana kolege iz IBISS-a učestvovale su na 3rd UNIFood International Conference – UNIFood2024 održanoj u Beogradu od 28. do 29. jula .
U okviru drugog poziva Route 2 Support na projektu „Expanding FAIR Solutions across EOSC – FAIR-IMPACT“, grupa od četiri naučnoistraživačke organizacije Univerziteta u Beogradu je dobila podršku za akciju #3 Recommendations for trustworthy and FAIR-enabling data repositories. Grupu čine: Institut…
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The skin is a direct target of the air pollutant benzo[a]pyrene (BaP). While its carcinogenic qualities are well-studied, the immunotoxicity of BaP after dermal exposure is less understood. This study examines the immunomodulatory effects of a 10-day epicutaneous BaP application, in environmentally/occupationally relevant doses, by analyzing ex vivo skin immune response (skin explant, epidermal cells and draining lymph node/DLN cell activity), alongside the skin’s reaction to sensitization with experimental hapten dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB)...
Drought is one of the main abiotic stresses affecting plant growth and development. Reduced plant yield and quality are primarily caused by the reductions in photosynthesis, mineral uptake, metabolic disorders, damages from the increased production of reactive oxygen species, and many other disruptions. Plants utilize drought resistance mechanisms as a defense strategy, and the systems’ activation is dependent upon several factors, including plant genotype, onthogenesis phase, drought intensity and duration, and the season in which the drought occurs...
A detailed understanding of microplastics (MPs) behaviour in freshwater ecosystems is crucial for a proper ecological assessment. This includes the identification of significant transport pathways and net accumulation zones, considering their inherent, and already proven influence on aquatic ecosystems. Bioavailability of toxic agents is significantly influenced by macroinvertebrates' behaviour, such as bioturbation and burrowing, and their prior exposure history. This study investigates...
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