Predavač: dr Gianfranco Diretto, rukovodilac Jedinice za metabolomiku pri Italijanskoj nacionalnoj agenciji za nove tehnologije, energiju i održivi razvoj (ENEA) u Rimu, ItalijaVreme: ponedeljak, 7. oktobar 2024. u 13.00Mesto: Biblioteka IBISS
Predavač: prof. dr Bojana Obradović, Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet Univerzitetа u BeograduVreme: petak, 4. oktobar 2024. u 12.00Mesto: Biblioteka IBISS
10. i 11. oktobra 2024. u biblioteci IBISS-a održaće se radionica "Problemi i nedoumice u geometrijskoj morfometriji". Gost radionice je dr Andrea Cardini sa Univerziteta u Modeni koji će održati uvodno predavanje. Organizaciju radionice su podržali Biološki fakultet i IBISS,…
„Uloga mikrobiote pluća i creva u imunskom odgovoru na Aspergillus fumigatus kod Dark Agouti i Albino Oxford sojeva pacova“petak, 27. septembar 2024. godine u 10:00Biblioteka IBISS
„Uticaj eksperimentalnog autoimunskog encefalomijelitisa na hipotalamo-hipofizno-gonadnu osu kod Dark Agouti pacova oba pola“četvrtak, 26. septembar 2024. godine u 15:30Biblioteka IBISS
„Uticaj etanolnog ekstrakta virka (Alchemilla vulgaris agg.) na fenotip maligne ćelije i mikrosredinu tumora u mišjim singenim modelima melanoma i tumora dojke“utorak, 24. septembar 2024. godine u 13:00Biblioteka IBISS
Predavač:dr Miloš Filipović, Sulfaging group leader at Leibniz Institute for Analytical Sciences, ISAS e.V.Vreme: utorak, 17. septembar 2024. u 12.00Mesto: Biblioteka IBISS
Predavač: Prof. dr Tatjana Kundaković-Vasović, redovni profesor na Katedri za farmakognoziju Farmaceutskog fakulteta Univerziteta u BeograduVreme: sreda, 25. septembar 2024. u 12.00Mesto: Biblioteka IBISS
Prestižna nagrada za mlade naučnike (YSA), koju dodeljuje Evropska federacija parazitologa (EFP), dodeljena je dr Milanu Miljeviću sa Odeljenja za genetička istraživanja na 14. Evropskom multikoluquijumu parazitologije (EMOP XIV), održanom u Wrocławu, Poljska, od 26. do 30. avgusta 2024. godine.
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Political responses to the COVID-19 pandemic led to changes in city soundscapes around the globe. From March to October 2020, a consortium of 261 contributors from 35 countries brought together by the Silent Cities project built a unique soundscape recordings collection to report on local acoustic changes in urban areas. We present this collection here, along with metadata including observational descriptions of the local areas from the contributors, open-source environmental data, open-source confinement levels and calculation of acoustic descriptors...
Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age and is closely associated with chronic low-grade inflammation and insulin resistance. To clarify the contribution of prepubertal weight gain to the development of insulin resistance in PCOS, we investigated the effects of early postnatal overfeeding on inflammatory and energy-sensing pathways as well as on markers of insulin signaling in the liver of the PCOS rat model...
Increased fructose consumption and chronic stress, the major characteristics of modern lifestyle, impact human health; however, the consequences of their combination on the uterus remain understudied. In this study, we investigated contractile activity, morphology, and intracellular activity of antioxidant enzymes in uteri from virginWistar rats subjected to liquid fructose supplementation and/or unpredictable stress over 9 weeks. Contractile activity and uterine response to oxytocin or adrenaline were examined ex vivo using isolated bath chambers...
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