Odabrane publikacije - Molekularno fiziološki biomonitoring aerobnih organizama zasnovan na određivanju biohemijskih biomarkera oksidacionog stresa
Poglavlja u knjigama:
Stojiljković, Kasapović J, Pejić S, Gavrilović Lj, Radlović N, Saičić Z, Pajović S. Antioxidant status of the celiac mucosa: implications for disease pathogenesis. In: Kruzliak P, Bhagat G, editors. Celiac Disease - From Pathophysiology to Advanced Therapies. Rijeka:InTech;2012.p.17–36.
Naučni radovi:
1. Gavrilović BR, Despotović SG, Gavrić JP, Borković-Mitić SS, Ognjanović BI, Pavlović SZ, Saičić ZS. Changes in antioxidant enzyme activities in the livers and gills of three cyprinids after exposure to a cyanobacterial bloom in the Gruža Reservoir, Serbia. Ecol Indic. 2014;38:141–8.
2. Mladenović J, Ognjanović B, Dorđević N, Matić M, Knežević V, Stajn A, Saičić Z. Protective effects of oestradiol against cadmium-induced changes in blood parameters and oxidative damage in rats. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol. 2014;65(1):37–46.
3. Borković-Mitić S, Pavlović S, Perendija B, Despotović S, Gavrić J, Gačić Z, Saičić Z. Influence of some metal concentrations on the activity of antioxidant enzymes and concentrations of vitamin E and SH-groups in the digestive gland and gills of the freshwater bivalve Unio tumidus from the Serbian part of Sava River. Ecol Indic. 2013;32:212–21.
4. Pejić S, Kasapović J, Todorović A, Stojiljković V, Gavrilović Lj, Popović N, Pajović S. Antioxidant enzymes in women with endometrial polips: relation with sex hormones. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2013;170:241-6.
5. Pavlović S, Borković-Mitić S, Gavrilović B, Despotović S, Gavrić J, Saičić Z. Seasonal Changes of Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in White Muscle of Longfin Gurnard (Chelidonychthys obscurus) from the Adriatic Sea. Water Research and Management. 2013;3:19-25.
6. Pavlović SZ, Borković-Mitić SS, Radovanović TB, Perendija BR, Despotović SG, Gavrić JP, Saičić ZS. Antioxidant enzymes in the liver of Chelidonichthys obscurus from the Montenegrin coastline. Cent Eur J Biol. 2013;8(8):747–55.
7. Ognjanović BI, Djordjević NZ, Matić MM, Obradović JM, Mladenović JM, Stajn AŠ, Saičić ZS. Lipid peroxidative damage on Cisplatin exposure and alterations in antioxidant defense system in rat kidneys: a possible protective effect of selenium. Int J Mol Sci. 2012;13(2):1790–803.
8. Stojiljković V, Pejić S, Kasapović J, Gavrilović Lj, Stojiljković S, Nikolić D, Pajović S. Glutathione redox cycle in small intestinal mucosa and peripheral blood of pediatric celiac disease patients. An Acad Bras Cienc, 2012;84:175-84.
9. Kasapović J, Stojiljković V, Gavrilović Lj, Popović N, Milićević Z. Antioxidant protection against curative and palliative doses of ionizing irradiation in human blood decreases with aging. Sci World J. 2012;2012:1-8.
10. Despotović SG, Perendija BR, Gavrić JP, Borković-Mitić SS, Paunović MM, Pavlović SZ, Saičić ZS. Seasonal changes in oxidative stress biomarkers of the snail Viviparus acerosus from the Velika Morava River, Serbia. Arch Biol Sci. 2012;64(3):953–62.
11. Borkovic-Mitic S, Kovacevic T, Perendija B, Despotovic S, Gavric J, Pavlovic SZ, Saicic Z. Superoxide dismutase and catalase activities in the digestive gland and gills of the freshwater bivalve Unio pictorum from the Sava river. Arch Biol Sci. 2011;63(1):185–92.
12. Perendija B, Despotović S, Radovanović T, Gavrić J, Borković-Mitić S, Pavlović S, Ognjanović B, Simić S, Pajović S, Sačić Z. Biochemical and ultrastructural changes in the liver of european perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in response to cyanobacterial bloom in the Gruža reservoir. Arch Bio Sci. 2011;63:979-89.
Odabrane publikacije - Uloga reaktivnih vrsta kiseonika i azota u reprodukciji: moguća primena u lečenju humanog steriliteta
1. Otasevic V, Korac A, Vucetic M, Macanovic B, Garalejic E, Ivanovic-Burmazovic I, Filipovic MR, Buzadzic B, Stancic A, Jankovic A, Velickovic K, Golic I, Markelic M, Korac B. Is manganese (II) pentaazamacrocyclic superoxide dismutase mimic beneficial for human sperm mitochondria function and motility? Antioxid Redox Signal. 2013;18(2):170–8.
2. Jovic M, Stancic A, Nenadic D, Cekic O, Nezic D, Milojevic P, Micovic S, Buzadzic B, Korac A, Otasevic V, Jankovic A, Vucetic M, Velickovic K, Golic I, Korac B. Mitochondrial molecular basis of sevoflurane and propofol cardioprotection in patients undergoing aortic valve replacement with cardiopulmonary bypass. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2012;29(1-2):131–42.
3. Otasevic V, Korac A, Buzadzic B, Stancic A, Jankovic A, Korac B. Nitric oxide and thermogenesis - Challenge in molecular cell physiology. Front Biosci - Sch. 2011;3 S(3):1180–95.
4. Markelic M, Velickovic K, Golic I, Otasevic V, Stancic A, Jankovic A, Vucetic M, Buzadzic B, Korac B, Korac A. Endothelial cell apoptosis in brown adipose tissue of rats induced by hyperinsulinaemia: The possible role of TNF-?? Eur J Histochem. 2011;55(4):187–93.
5. Vucetic M, Otasevic V, Korac A, Stancic A, Jankovic A, Markelic M, Golic I, Velickovic K, Buzadzic B, Korac B. Interscapular brown adipose tissue metabolic reprogramming during cold acclimation: Interplay of HIF-1α and AMPKα. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2011;1810(12):1252–61.
6. Petrović V, Buzadžić B, Korać A, Vasilijević A, Janković A, Korać B. NO modulates the molecular basis of rat interscapular brown adipose tissue thermogenesis. Comp Biochem Physiol C. 2010;152:147-59.
7. Vasilijević A, Vojčić Lj, Dinulović I, Buzadžić B, Korać A, Petrović V, Janković A, Korać B. Expression pattern of thermogenesis-related factors in interscapular brown adipose tissue of alloxan-treated rats: Beneficial effect of L-arginine. Nitric Oxide. 2010;23:42-50.
8. Petrović V, Buzadžić B, Korać A, Vasilijević A, Janković A, Korać B. L-Arginine supplementation induces glutathione synthesis in interscapular brown adipose tissue through activation of glutamate-cysteine ligase expression: The role of nitric oxide. Chem Biol Interact. 2009;182:204-12.
9. Korać A, Buzadžić B, Petrović V, Vasilijević A, Janković A, Korać B. The role of nitric oxide in remodeling of capillary network in rat interscapular brown adipose tissue after long-term cold acclimation. Histol Histopathol. 2008;23:441-50.
10. Petrović V, Korać A, Buzadžić B, Vasilijević A, Janković A, Mićunović K, Korać B. Nitric oxide regulates mitochondrial re-modeling in interscapular brown adipose tissue: ultrastructural and morphometric-stereologic studies. J Microsc. 2008232:542-8.
11. Vasilijević A, Buzadžić B, Korać A, Petrović V, Janković A, Korać B. Beneficial effects of L-arginine-nitric oxide-producing pathway in rats treated with alloxan. J Physiol. 2007;584:921-33.
12. Cimbaljević B, Vasilijević A, Cimbaljević S, Buzadžić B, Korać A, Petrović V, Janković A, Korać B. Interrelationship of antioxidative status, lipid peroxidation and lipid profile in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2007;85:997-1003.
13. Petrović V, Buzadžić B, Korać A, Vasilijević A, Janković A, Korać B. Free radical equilibrium in interscapular brown adipose tissue: relationship between metabolic profile and antioxidative defense. Comp Biochem Physiol C. 2006;142:60-5.
14. Buzadžić B, Blagojević D, Korać B, Saičić Z, Spasić MB, Petrović VM. Seasonal variation in the antioxidant defence system of the brain of the ground squirrel (Citellus citellus) and response to low temperature compared to rat. Comp Biochem Physiol. 1997;117C:141-9.
15. Spasić MB, Saičić ZS, Buzadžić B, Korać B, Blagojević D, Petrović VM. Effect of long-term exposure to cold on the antioxidant defense system in the rat. Free Radical Bio Med. 1993;15:291-9.
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